It's been a few weeks of quarantine and it seems as though the world is more lost on what to do with their time than ever! After being condensed like a can of tuna for weeks on end and the light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't seem to be getting any closer, it can be tough to figure out productive activities to keep you occupied without leaving the house. Well, you've played all the board games, done all the cleaning, and exhausted your Netflix account. Now what?
As a Professional Home Organizer, I was asked by Freshome in this article to help people figure out what the heck to do! Since this time is so painstaking, I want to help take some of the pain away and turn it into something that you can benefit from all year long. I figured you would also want some suggestions on what a great use of time would be during the dull moments at home.
Deep Clean

Yes, of course you've been cleaning! Who could stay sane in a messy house this long?! But surface-level cleanliness is so much different from giving your house the kind of clean that gets the grime out of crevices that hardly see the light of day. A truly deep clean can help you feel as though the air you're breathing is cleaner and your mind is clearer.
But what kind of scrubbing warrants as "deep cleaning"? As an organizing expert, Of course I have a list!
Dust the fan blades
Windex both sides of your windows
Reorganize + dust shelves (They get crazy QUICK)
Baseboard Bath (You have the time, so why not?)
Clean + organize the rarely used kitchen cabinets. The ones so tall, you just store the gifts, gadgets, and china you don't use? Yeah, THOSE.
Declutter + Organize
If you're reading this article, you may be like me in that you always have a side project or DIY that just never seems to get done! If what ever you've been working on has been sitting there gathering dust for 2+ months, get rid of it! I know it may be a bit hard to let go, but with all the time you've had on your hands during this time stuck inside, it's been a huge opportunity to catch up on these. By not doing them - especially in the past couple weeks - you're not only cluttering your home, but also your mind! It's no coincidence that after cleaning and organizing your home, you seem to be able to focus more easily and think more rationally. This study lists the benefits of maintaining organization, not as things looking clean, but as something that heavily impacts how you feel and the choices you make! The areas of your life it associates with organized surroundings are:
Improved sleep
Less stress
Stronger relationships
Better ability to focus
Reduce mental health struggles (ie. depression and anxiety)
Better productivity
All-round better ability to make good choices for you and your body
The article even suggests that a cluttered home has a direct correlation with your weight due to a higher likelihood in a disorganized environment to prefer less healthy foods! So for your body, physical health, and mind, why not organize?
What Now?
Well, it's official. Your house is really clean, your cabinets and garage are freshly organized... now what do you do?
1. Get outside! By getting some fresh air after being cooped up for so long, you're allowing your body, pores, and brain to all take a collective deep breath. You've been breathing and living in the same air, spaces, and seeing the same people for weeks! A change of scene is necessary at this point! This doesn't mean go out to the park or the beach. We're still under quarantine, after all. Go into your front or back yard and just appreciate your surroundings! Maybe do some yard work. Your body's likely craving some extra fresh air, so hang out for a while! Weed the yard, mow the lawn, or even tend to your garden and outdoor plants.

2. Take stock. Everyone's home requires it's own things that make it livable and comfortable. What does your family use and consume on a regular basis? Do you have any cans hanging out in the back of the pantry that you're willing to try right about now? We suggest making some lists of foods for your pantry, refrigerato, and freezer of items you want to ensure your stocked up on. Then another list for home items that can be used up (ie. tape, markers, bandaids, etc.) This will help you to not have to make multiple runs to the store and even make life easier post-quarantine!
3. Go through the little things. Go through your family photos and phone camera roll. create or reorganize file cabinets and file folders. Purge all those unopened emails. The benefits of organization bleed into your devices as well. So close all the dozens of open, unused tabs, clear out of all your background apps, upload photos to your computer, delete apps and info you just don't need anymore, and take a big sigh of relief (maybe outside?) knowing you can now be more productive and happy than you were before.
4. Hold your loved ones close. Everything is done. And the people, animals, and little people you live with are safe and with you. Who knows what tomorrow holds? So through these scary, uncertain times, hold them tightly and tell them how much you love them. Tomorrow is never promised, but you do have today. So make the most of your time with them - even if it's an excessive amount of time right now!
There's so many more tips and tricks to organizing your home and utilizing your time while you're stuck in it! Check out more of my my tips on Freshome HERE for more info. Although this is a difficult time, I hope sharing my tips and tricks helps bring a bit of positivity (and organization!) into your home. I'd love to know what your doing to spruce up your own home during all this craziness, so tag me in your solutions on instagram! Have a wonderful week and a clean quarantine!
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**The beautiful whiteboard that can help organize your home can be found here!